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IDC Study: Customers cite 407% ROI with Google Chronicle. Learn More IDC Study: Customers cite 407% ROI with Google Chronicle. .
The power of BeyondCorp Enterprise with Chronicle

Finding the users or devices that present the higher risk to an enterprise is not a simple task. With the Chronicle Security Operations Platform correlating the logs from multiple users and devices using BeyondCorp Enterprise (BCE), it becomes easier to detect abnormal behavior. 

BCE is a cloud-based, workforce Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) offering  that provides secure application (‘north-south’) access with built-in threat and data protection. BCE enables enterprises to eliminate unfettered lateral exposure created by traditional remote user VPN network level access, prevents sensitive data loss and protects devices from being compromised by advanced threats. 

Native integration to Chronicle means logs collected by BCE are ingested into chronicle and can be used for detection rules to provide easily accessible in-product information for security analysts. This information helps simplify triage, investigation, and response activities for security analysts; thereby reducing the mean time to remediation for BCE logs.

Security outcomes with BCE native integration to Chronicle

Ingestion of BCE data enables customers to not only get more value from Chronicle but enables powerful net new use cases not available otherwise. BCE data provides real time activity logs at a very granular device and user level. This allows security teams to stitch the security workflows together with near real-time, accurate context about users and devices. It also allows security teams to understand the relationship between users, devices and applications. Security admins gain visibility into threat and data protection logs connecting those with other security telemetry to proactively detect and remediate threats.

Architecture Overview

BCE Enterprise leverages Chrome, Endpoint Verification, Cloud Identity, Access Context Manager and Identity Access Proxy to control access to critical applications.

The audit and activity logs from these components are ingested into Chronicle for detection and response.

Figure 1: Architecture Overview

Data Ingestion

The BCE and Chronicle integration allows for the ingestion of BCE activity from Identity Aware Proxy (IAP) and Chrome Management to become log events in Chronicle.  

It also includes device and user context about those activities from BCE Cloud Identity Devices and Users to become context for those activities in Chronicle as shown in Table 1.


Log Type

Source System


Chronicle Destination

Ingestion Method


GCP Cloud Audit


Users login activity (allow/block)

Identity Aware Proxy (IAP) Data Access Events

UDM Events

GCP to Chronicle Near Real Time (Min)


GCP Cloud  Identity Devices

Cloud Identity

Cloud Device Metadata from Endpoint Validation (EV) Agent

Asset Context Entity

Cloud identity API Pull from Chronicle Feeds every 24hr


GCP Cloud Identity Device Users

Cloud Identity

Cloud User Identity metadata associated to devices from Endpoint Validation (EV) Agent 

User Context associated with Asset Entity

Cloud identity API Pull from Chronicle Feeds every 24hr


Chrome Management Threat Logs

Cloud Identity

Chrome Management Threat Events (badNavigationEvent, 







UDM Events

Chronicle Ingestion API Push from Cloud Identity (Min)


Chrome Management DLP Logs

Cloud Identity

Chrome Management Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Events (contentTransferEvent,



UDM Events

Chronicle Ingestion API push from Cloud Identity (Min)

Table 1: Ingested Log Types


The configuration for the ingestion logs into Chronicle SIEM is specific based on each log type listed in table 1.

For more information about these configurations, please refer to:

Detection Rules

Multiple detention rules have been created to leverage the correlation power of Chronicle for BCE events or context. All these detection rules should be tailored for better outcomes in the target Chronicle instance by tuning the event filters, match windows and/or conditions.

Figure 2: Chronicle Rules Dashboard for BCE Rules


Implementation Details

bce01_multiple_logins_from_ multiple_devices

(Multiple Events Rule)


Too many users login from multiple devices over a short time.


Default Configuration:

Correlation Condition = principal user email 

Correlation Period =  30 min

Login Events > 1

Asset Context Entities > 1


Referenced Log Types:

GCP Cloud Audit

GCP Cloud  Identity Devices

GCP Cloud Identity Devices Users

bce02_allowed_login_after_ multiple_blocked

(Multiple Events Rule)


Repeated Login Failures before success over 1h to same target resource/url


Default Configuration:

Correlation Condition = principal user email and target resource name 

Correlation Period = 1 hr

Login Failed Events >= 10

Login Successful Event > 0


Referenced Log Types:

GCP Cloud Audit

bce03_multiple_accessed_ resources_per_user_in_short_time

(Multiple Events Rule)


Too many apps/resources accessed by same user over a short time


Default Configuration:

Correlation Condition = principal user email and target resource name 

Correlation Period = 5 min

Login Failed Events >= 5


Referenced Log Types:

GCP Cloud Audit

bce04_multiple_accessed_ resources_per_device_in_ short_time

(Multiple Events Rule)


Too many apps/resources accessed by same user and from same device over a short time


Default Configuration:

Correlation Condition = device id and target resource name 

Correlation Period = 5 min

Login Successful Events >= 5


Referenced Log Types:

GCP Cloud Audit

bce05_multiple_accessed_ resources_per_user_device_ in_short_time

(Multiple Events Rule)


Too many apps/resources accessed from same device over a short time


Default Configuration:

Correlation Condition = principal user email, device id and target resource name 

Correlation Period = 5 min

Login Successful Events >= 5


Referenced Log Types:

GCP Cloud Audit

bce06_multiple_blocked_logins_ per_resource_in_short_time

(Multiple Events Rule)


Repeated Login Failures over 5m to same target resource


Default Configuration:

Correlation Condition = target resource name 

Correlation Period = 5 min

Login Failed Events >= 100


Referenced Log Types:

GCP Cloud Audit

bce07_multiple_blocked_logins_ per_device_in_short_time

(Multiple Events Rule)


Repeated Login Failures over 5m from same device id


Default Configuration:

Correlation Condition = device id

Correlation Period = 5 min

Login Failed Events >= 5


Referenced Log Types:

GCP Cloud Audit

bce08_multiple_blocked_logins_ per_user_email_in_short_time

(Multiple Events Rule)


Repeated Login Failures over 5m from same user email


Default Configuration:

Correlation Condition = principal user email

Correlation Period = 5 min

Login Failed Events >= 5


Referenced Log Types:

GCP Cloud Audit

bce09_multiple_sensitive_file_ transfers_in_short_time

(Multiple Events Rule)


Too many sensitive files were transferred from same user over a short time


Default Configuration:

Correlation Condition = principal user email

Correlation Period = 30 min

DLP Sensitive File Transfer Events >= 2


Referenced Log Types:

Chrome Management DLP Logs

bce10_multiple_transfers_for_ same_sensitive_file_in_short_time

(Multiple Events Rule)


Too many transfers for same sensitive file over a short time


Default Configuration:

Correlation Condition = target file sha256 hash and target file size

Correlation Period = 24 hr

DLP Sensitive File Transfer Events >= 5


Referenced Log Types:

Chrome Management DLP Logs

bce11_multiple_dangerous_file_ transfers_in_short_time

(Multiple Events Rule)


Too many dangerous files were transferred from same user over a short time


Default Configuration:

Correlation Condition = principal user email

Correlation Period = 30 min

Threat Dangerous File Transfer/Download Events >= 2


Referenced Log Types:

Chrome Management Threat Logs

bce12_multiple_transfers_for_ same_dangerous_file_in_ short_time

(Multiple Events Rule)


Too many transfers for same dangerous file over a short time


Default Configuration:

Correlation Condition = target file sha256 hash and target file size

Correlation Period = 24 hr

Threat Dangerous File Transfer/Download Events >= 2


Referenced Log Types:

Chrome Management Threat Logs

bce13_multiple_dangerous_ site_visits_in_short_time

(Multiple Events Rule)


Too many dangerous sites were visited from same user over a short time


Default Configuration:

Correlation Condition = principal user email

Correlation Period = 30 min

Threat Dangerous Site Visit/Navigation Events >= 2


Referenced Log Types:

Chrome Management Threat Logs

bce14_multiple_unscanned_ files_in_short_time

(Multiple Events Rule)


Too many files were unscanned from same user over a short time


Default Configuration:

Correlation Condition = principal user email

Correlation Period = 30 min

Threat Unscanned File Events >= 2


Referenced Log Types:

Chrome Management Threat Logs

bce15_multiple_events_for_ same_unscanned_file_ in_short_time

(Multiple Events Rule)


Too many transfers for same dangerous file over a short time


Default Configuration:

Correlation Condition = target file sha256 hash and target file size

Correlation Period = 24 hr

Threat Unscanned File Events >= 2


Referenced Log Types:

Chrome Management Threat Logs


(Single Event Rule)


User's password was breached in a third party site or app. Password Manager must be enabled.


Default Configuration:

Threat Password Breach Events >= 1


Referenced Log Types:

Chrome Management Threat Logs


(Single Event Rule)


User's password was reused in a third party site that’s outside of the list of allowed enterprise login URLs.


Default Configuration:

Threat Password Reuse Events >= 1


Referenced Log Types:

Chrome Management Threat Logs

Table 2: BCE Detection Rules


The integration of BCE with the Chronicle is a game-changer for organizations looking to stay ahead of the curve in the fight against cyber threats. It is available now for customers of both Chronicle and BCE. For more information contact your sales representative today.

BCE Detection Rules


rule bce01_multiple_logins_from_multiple_devices {

 // This rule matches single events. Rules can also match multiple events within

 // some time window. For details about how to write a multi-event rule, see



   // Allows for storage of arbitrary key-value pairs of rule details - who

   // wrote it, what it detects on, version control, etc.

   // The "author" and "severity" fields are special, as they are used as

   // columns on the rules dashboard. If you'd like to be able to sort based on

   // these fields on the dashboard, make sure to add them here.

   // Severity value, by convention, should be "Low", "Medium" or "High"

   author = "Google Cloud Security"

   description = "Too many users login from multiple devices over a short time"

   severity = "Medium"


   //Login Event - GCP Cloud Audit

   $login.metadata.event_type = "USER_LOGIN"

   $login.security_result.action = "ALLOW"

   $login.principal.user.email_addresses = $user_email

   re.capture($,"Device Id: (.*)") = $device_id

   //$ = $login_device_id

   //$device_id = re.capture($login_device_id,"Device Id: (.*)")

  //Asset Context - GCP Cloud Identity Devices

   $asset_ctx.graph.entity.asset.asset_id = $device_id

   $asset_ctx.graph.entity.asset.hardware.serial_number = $device_serial_number //not available for Linux or when blocked by the OS

   $asset_ctx.graph.entity.asset.product_object_id = $asset_product_object_id //Hashcode of serial number for Corp Device, Hashcode of device_resource_id for User Owned

   //User Context - GCP Cloud Identity Device Users

   $user_ctx.graph.metadata.entity_type = "USER"

   $user_ctx.graph.entity.user.email_addresses = $user_email

   $user_ctx.graph.entity.user.product_object_id = $device_resource_id

   $user_ctx.graph.relations.entity.asset.product_object_id = $asset_product_object_id

   $user_ctx.graph.relations.entity_type = "ASSET"

   $user_ctx.graph.relations.relationship = "MEMBER"


   //$user_email, $device_id, $device_resource_id over 1h

   //$user_email, $device_id over 30m

   $user_email over 30m


   $serial_number_list = array_distinct($device_serial_number)

   $serial_number_count = count_distinct($device_serial_number)

   $device_id_list = array_distinct($device_id)

   $device_resource_id_list = array_distinct($device_resource_id)

   $user_login_event_array = array($user_email)

   $user_login_event_count = count($user_email)


   #login>1 and #asset_ctx>1 and $user_ctx //$asset_ctx//#asset_ctx>1 //#e2>1



rule bce02_allowed_login_after_multiple_blocked {

// This rule matches single events. Rules can also match multiple events within

// some time window. For details about how to write a multi-event rule, see



// Allows for storage of arbitrary key-value pairs of rule details - who

// wrote it, what it detects on, version control, etc.

// The "author" and "severity" fields are special, as they are used as

// columns on the rules dashboard. If you'd like to be able to sort based on

// these fields on the dashboard, make sure to add them here.

// Severity value, by convention, should be "Low", "Medium" or "High"

author = "Google Cloud Security"

description = "Repeated Login Failures before success over 1h to same target resource/url"

severity = "High"


$login_failed.metadata.event_type = "USER_LOGIN"

$login_failed.security_result.action = "BLOCK"

$login_failed.principal.user.email_addresses = $principal_user_email

$ = $target_resource_name //GCP Resource ID

//$login_failed.principal.ip = $principal_ip

//$login_failed.principal.user.user_display_name = $user

$login_success.metadata.event_type = "USER_LOGIN"

$login_success.security_result.action = "ALLOW"

$login_success.principal.user.email_addresses = $principal_user_email

$ = $target_resource_name //GCP Resource ID

//$login_success.principal.ip = $principal_ip

//$log_out.principal.user.user_display_name = $user

$login_failed.metadata.event_timestamp.seconds <=


//$context.graph.entity.user.user_display_name = $user

//$context.graph.entity.resource.attribute.roles.type = "ADMINISTRATOR"


$principal_user_email, $target_resource_name over 1h

//$principal_ip over 1h


$login_failed_count = count($login_failed.security_result.action)

$login_success_count = count($login_success.security_result.action)

//$principal_ip_list = array_distinct($principal_ip)


#login_failed>=10 and $login_success ///and $context



rule bce03_multiple_accessed_resources_per_user_in_short_time {

// This rule matches single events. Rules can also match multiple events within

// some time window. For details about how to write a multi-event rule, see



// Allows for storage of arbitrary key-value pairs of rule details - who

// wrote it, what it detects on, version control, etc.

// The "author" and "severity" fields are special, as they are used as

// columns on the rules dashboard. If you'd like to be able to sort based on

// these fields on the dashboard, make sure to add them here.

// Severity value, by convention, should be "Low", "Medium" or "High"

author = "Google Cloud Security"

description = "Too many apps/resources accessed by same user over a short time"

severity = "Medium"


$login.metadata.event_type = "USER_LOGIN"

$login.security_result.action = "ALLOW"

$login.principal.user.email_addresses = $user_email

re.capture($,"Device Id: (.*)") = $device_id

$ = $target_resource


$user_email, $target_resource over 5m


$device_id_distinct_list = array_distinct($device_id)

$device_id_distinct_count = count_distinct($device_id)

$login_event_count = count($target_resource)


#login >= 5



rule bce04_multiple_accessed_resources_per_device_in_short_time {

// This rule matches single events. Rules can also match multiple events within

// some time window. For details about how to write a multi-event rule, see



// Allows for storage of arbitrary key-value pairs of rule details - who

// wrote it, what it detects on, version control, etc.

// The "author" and "severity" fields are special, as they are used as

// columns on the rules dashboard. If you'd like to be able to sort based on

// these fields on the dashboard, make sure to add them here.

// Severity value, by convention, should be "Low", "Medium" or "High"

author = "Google Cloud Security"

description = "Too many apps/resources accessed by same user and from same device over a short time"

severity = "Medium"


$login.metadata.event_type = "USER_LOGIN"

$login.security_result.action = "ALLOW"

$login.principal.user.email_addresses = $user_email

re.capture($,"Device Id: (.*)") = $device_id

$ = $target_resource


$device_id, $target_resource over 5m


$user_email_distinct_list = array_distinct($user_email)

$user_email_distinct_count = count_distinct($user_email)

$login_event_count = count($target_resource)


#login >= 5



rule bce05_multiple_accessed_resources_per_user_device_in_short_time {

// This rule matches single events. Rules can also match multiple events within

// some time window. For details about how to write a multi-event rule, see



// Allows for storage of arbitrary key-value pairs of rule details - who

// wrote it, what it detects on, version control, etc.

// The "author" and "severity" fields are special, as they are used as

// columns on the rules dashboard. If you'd like to be able to sort based on

// these fields on the dashboard, make sure to add them here.

// Severity value, by convention, should be "Low", "Medium" or "High"

author = "Google Cloud Security"

description = "Too many apps/resources accessed from same device over a short time"

severity = "Medium"

improvement = "Multiple allows to different resource_name from same principal_email_address and/or device_id. Split in 2 rules"


$login.metadata.event_type = "USER_LOGIN"

$login.security_result.action = "ALLOW"

$login.principal.user.email_addresses = $user_email

re.capture($,"Device Id: (.*)") = $device_id

$ = $target_resource


$user_email, $device_id, $target_resource over 5m


$login_event_count = count($target_resource)


#login >= 5



rule bce06_nultiple_blocked_logins_per_resource_in_short_time {

// This rule matches single events. Rules can also match multiple events within

// some time window. For details about how to write a multi-event rule, see



// Allows for storage of arbitrary key-value pairs of rule details - who

// wrote it, what it detects on, version control, etc.

// The "author" and "severity" fields are special, as they are used as

// columns on the rules dashboard. If you'd like to be able to sort based on

// these fields on the dashboard, make sure to add them here.

// Severity value, by convention, should be "Low", "Medium" or "High"

author = "Google Cloud Security"

description = "Repeated Login Failures over 5m to same target resource"

severity = "Medium"


$login.metadata.event_type = "USER_LOGIN"

$login.security_result.action = "BLOCK"

$login.principal.user.email_addresses = $user_email

re.capture($,"Device Id: (.*)") = $device_id

$ = $target_resource


$target_resource over 5m


$user_email_distinct_list = array_distinct($user_email)

$user_email_distinct_count = count_distinct($user_email)

$login_event_count = count($target_resource)


#login >= 100



rule bce07_nultiple_blocked_logins_per_device_in_short_time {

// This rule matches single events. Rules can also match multiple events within

// some time window. For details about how to write a multi-event rule, see



// Allows for storage of arbitrary key-value pairs of rule details - who

// wrote it, what it detects on, version control, etc.

// The "author" and "severity" fields are special, as they are used as

// columns on the rules dashboard. If you'd like to be able to sort based on

// these fields on the dashboard, make sure to add them here.

// Severity value, by convention, should be "Low", "Medium" or "High"

author = "Google Cloud Security"

description = "Repeated Login Failures over 5m from same device id"

severity = "Medium"


$login.metadata.event_type = "USER_LOGIN"

$login.security_result.action = "BLOCK"

$login.principal.user.email_addresses = $user_email

re.capture($,"Device Id: (.*)") = $device_id

$device_id != "" //Do consider events with no device_id

$ = $target_resource


$device_id over 5m


$user_email_distinct_list = array_distinct($user_email)

$user_email_distinct_count = count_distinct($user_email)

$login_event_count = count($target_resource)


#login >= 5



rule bce08_nultiple_blocked_logins_per_user_email_in_short_time {

// This rule matches single events. Rules can also match multiple events within

// some time window. For details about how to write a multi-event rule, see



// Allows for storage of arbitrary key-value pairs of rule details - who

// wrote it, what it detects on, version control, etc.

// The "author" and "severity" fields are special, as they are used as

// columns on the rules dashboard. If you'd like to be able to sort based on

// these fields on the dashboard, make sure to add them here.

// Severity value, by convention, should be "Low", "Medium" or "High"

author = "Google Cloud Security"

description = "Repeated Login Failures over 5m from same user email"

severity = "Medium"


$login.metadata.event_type = "USER_LOGIN"

$login.security_result.action = "BLOCK"

$login.principal.user.email_addresses = $user_email

re.capture($,"Device Id: (.*)") = $device_id

$ = $target_resource


$user_email over 5m


$login_event_count = count($target_resource)


#login >= 5



rule bce09_multiple_sensitive_file_transfers_in_short_time {

// This rule matches single events. Rules can also match multiple events within

// some time window. For details about how to write a multi-event rule, see


// Event Types Information:


// Allows for storage of arbitrary key-value pairs of rule details - who

// wrote it, what it detects on, version control, etc.

// The "author" and "severity" fields are special, as they are used as

// columns on the rules dashboard. If you'd like to be able to sort based on

// these fields on the dashboard, make sure to add them here.

// Severity value, by convention, should be "Low", "Medium" or "High"

author = "Google Cloud Security"

description = "Too many sensitive files were transferred from same user over a short time"

severity = "Medium"


//DLP Event

$dlp.metadata.product_name = "Chrome Management"

($dlp.metadata.product_event_type = "contentTransferEvent"

or $dlp.metadata.product_event_type = "sensitiveDataTransferEvent"

or $dlp.metadata.product_event_type = "sensitiveDataEvent")

//$e.principal.user.user_id = $user_id

$dlp.principal.user.email_addresses = $user_email

$dlp.security_result.summary = $security_result_summary

$dlp.security_result.action_details = $security_result_action_details

$ = $target_file_sha256

$ = $target_file_size

$ = $target_file_full_path


$user_email over 30m


$security_result_summary_distinct_list = array_distinct($security_result_summary)

$security_result_summary_distinct_count = count_distinct($security_result_summary)

$security_result_action_details_distinct_list = array_distinct($security_result_action_details)

$security_result_action_details_distinct_count = count_distinct($security_result_action_details)


#dlp >= 2



rule bce10_multiple_transfers_for_same_sensitive_file_in_short_time {

// This rule matches single events. Rules can also match multiple events within

// some time window. For details about how to write a multi-event rule, see


// Event Types Information:


// Allows for storage of arbitrary key-value pairs of rule details - who

// wrote it, what it detects on, version control, etc.

// The "author" and "severity" fields are special, as they are used as

// columns on the rules dashboard. If you'd like to be able to sort based on

// these fields on the dashboard, make sure to add them here.

// Severity value, by convention, should be "Low", "Medium" or "High"

author = "Google Cloud Security"

description = "Too many tramsfers for same sensitive file over a short time"

severity = "Medium"


//DLP Event

$dlp.metadata.product_name = "Chrome Management"

($dlp.metadata.product_event_type = "contentTransferEvent"

or $dlp.metadata.product_event_type = "sensitiveDataTransferEvent"

or $dlp.metadata.product_event_type = "sensitiveDataEvent")

$dlp.principal.user.email_addresses = $user_email

$dlp.security_result.summary = $security_result_summary

$dlp.security_result.action_details = $security_result_action_details

$ = $target_file_sha256

$ = $target_file_size

$ = $target_file_full_path


$target_file_sha256, $target_file_size over 24h


$security_result_summary_distinct_list = array_distinct($security_result_summary)

$security_result_summary_distinct_count = count_distinct($security_result_summary)

$security_result_action_details_distinct_list = array_distinct($security_result_action_details)

$security_result_action_details_distinct_count = count_distinct($security_result_action_details)

$target_file_full_path_distinct_list = array_distinct($target_file_full_path)

$target_file_full_path_distinct_count = count_distinct($target_file_full_path)

$user_email_distinct_list = array_distinct($user_email)

$user_email_distinct_count = count_distinct($user_email)


#dlp >= 5



rule bce11_multiple_dangerous_file_transfers_in_short_time {

// This rule matches single events. Rules can also match multiple events within

// some time window. For details about how to write a multi-event rule, see


// Event Types Information:


// Allows for storage of arbitrary key-value pairs of rule details - who

// wrote it, what it detects on, version control, etc.

// The "author" and "severity" fields are special, as they are used as

// columns on the rules dashboard. If you'd like to be able to sort based on

// these fields on the dashboard, make sure to add them here.

// Severity value, by convention, should be "Low", "Medium" or "High"

author = "Google Cloud Security"

description = "Too many dangerous files were transferred from same user over a short time"

severity = "Medium"


//Threat Event

$threat.metadata.product_name = "Chrome Management"

($threat.metadata.product_event_type = "dangerousDownloadEvent"

or $threat.metadata.product_event_type = "malwareTransferEvent")

//$e.principal.user.user_id = $user_id

$threat.principal.user.email_addresses = $user_email

$threat.security_result.summary = $security_result_summary

$threat.security_result.action_details = $security_result_action_details

$ = $target_file_sha256

$ = $target_file_size

$ = $target_file_full_path


$user_email over 30m


$security_result_summary_distinct_list = array_distinct($security_result_summary)

$security_result_summary_distinct_count = count_distinct($security_result_summary)

$security_result_action_details_distinct_list = array_distinct($security_result_action_details)

$security_result_action_details_distinct_count = count_distinct($security_result_action_details)


#threat >= 2



rule bce12_multiple_transfers_for_same_dangerous_file_in_short_time {

// This rule matches single events. Rules can also match multiple events within

// some time window. For details about how to write a multi-event rule, see


// Event Types Information:


// Allows for storage of arbitrary key-value pairs of rule details - who

// wrote it, what it detects on, version control, etc.

// The "author" and "severity" fields are special, as they are used as

// columns on the rules dashboard. If you'd like to be able to sort based on

// these fields on the dashboard, make sure to add them here.

// Severity value, by convention, should be "Low", "Medium" or "High"

author = "Google Cloud Security"

description = "Too many transfers for same dangerous file over a short time"

severity = "Medium"


//Threat Event

$threat.metadata.product_name = "Chrome Management"

($threat.metadata.product_event_type = "dangerousDownloadEvent"

or $threat.metadata.product_event_type = "malwareTransferEvent")

$threat.principal.user.email_addresses = $user_email

$threat.security_result.summary = $security_result_summary

$threat.security_result.action_details = $security_result_action_details

$ = $target_file_sha256

$ = $target_file_size

$ = $target_file_full_path


$target_file_sha256, $target_file_size over 24h


$security_result_summary_distinct_list = array_distinct($security_result_summary)

$security_result_summary_distinct_count = count_distinct($security_result_summary)

$security_result_action_details_distinct_list = array_distinct($security_result_action_details)

$security_result_action_details_distinct_count = count_distinct($security_result_action_details)

$target_file_full_path_distinct_list = array_distinct($target_file_full_path)

$target_file_full_path_distinct_count = count_distinct($target_file_full_path)

$user_email_distinct_list = array_distinct($user_email)

$user_email_distinct_count = count_distinct($user_email)


#threat >= 2



rule bce13_multiple_dangerous_site_visits_in_short_time {

// This rule matches single events. Rules can also match multiple events within

// some time window. For details about how to write a multi-event rule, see


// Event Types Information:


// Allows for storage of arbitrary key-value pairs of rule details - who

// wrote it, what it detects on, version control, etc.

// The "author" and "severity" fields are special, as they are used as

// columns on the rules dashboard. If you'd like to be able to sort based on

// these fields on the dashboard, make sure to add them here.

// Severity value, by convention, should be "Low", "Medium" or "High"

author = "Google Cloud Security"

description = "Too many dangerous sites were visited from same user over a short time"

severity = "Medium"


//Threat Event

$threat.metadata.product_name = "Chrome Management"

($threat.metadata.product_event_type = "interstitialEvent"

or $threat.metadata.product_event_type = "badNavigationEvent")

//$e.principal.user.user_id = $user_id

$threat.principal.user.email_addresses = $user_email

$threat.security_result.summary = $security_result_summary

$threat.security_result.action_details = $security_result_action_details

$ = $target_file_sha256

$ = $target_file_size

$ = $target_file_full_path


$user_email over 30m


$security_result_summary_distinct_list = array_distinct($security_result_summary)

$security_result_summary_distinct_count = count_distinct($security_result_summary)

$security_result_action_details_distinct_list = array_distinct($security_result_action_details)

$security_result_action_details_distinct_count = count_distinct($security_result_action_details)


#threat >= 2



rule bce14_multiple_unscanned_files_in_short_time {

// This rule matches single events. Rules can also match multiple events within

// some time window. For details about how to write a multi-event rule, see


// Evemt Types Information:


// Allows for storage of arbitrary key-value pairs of rule details - who

// wrote it, what it detects on, version control, etc.

// The "author" and "severity" fields are special, as they are used as

// columns on the rules dashboard. If you'd like to be able to sort based on

// these fields on the dashboard, make sure to add them here.

// Severity value, by convention, should be "Low", "Medium" or "High"

author = "Google Cloud Security"

description = "Too many files were unscanned from same user over a short time"

severity = "Medium"


//Threat Event

$threat.metadata.product_name = "Chrome Management"

$threat.metadata.product_event_type = "unscannedFileEvent"

//$e.principal.user.user_id = $user_id

$threat.principal.user.email_addresses = $user_email

$threat.security_result.summary = $security_result_summary

$threat.security_result.action_details = $security_result_action_details

$ = $target_file_sha256

$ = $target_file_size

$ = $target_file_full_path


$user_email over 30m


$security_result_summary_distinct_list = array_distinct($security_result_summary)

$security_result_summary_distinct_count = count_distinct($security_result_summary)

$security_result_action_details_distinct_list = array_distinct($security_result_action_details)

$security_result_action_details_distinct_count = count_distinct($security_result_action_details)


#threat >= 2



rule bce15_multiple_events_for_same_unscanned_file_in_short_time {

// This rule matches single events. Rules can also match multiple events within

// some time window. For details about how to write a multi-event rule, see


// Evemt Types Information:


// Allows for storage of arbitrary key-value pairs of rule details - who

// wrote it, what it detects on, version control, etc.

// The "author" and "severity" fields are special, as they are used as

// columns on the rules dashboard. If you'd like to be able to sort based on

// these fields on the dashboard, make sure to add them here.

// Severity value, by convention, should be "Low", "Medium" or "High"

author = "Google Cloud Security"

description = "Too many tramsfers for same dangerous file over a short time"

severity = "Medium"


//Threat Event

$threat.metadata.product_name = "Chrome Management"

$threat.metadata.product_event_type = "unscannedFileEvent"

$threat.principal.user.email_addresses = $user_email

$threat.security_result.summary = $security_result_summary

$threat.security_result.action_details = $security_result_action_details

$ = $target_file_sha256

$ = $target_file_size

$ = $target_file_full_path


$target_file_sha256, $target_file_size over 24h


$security_result_summary_distinct_list = array_distinct($security_result_summary)

$security_result_summary_distinct_count = count_distinct($security_result_summary)

$security_result_action_details_distinct_list = array_distinct($security_result_action_details)

$security_result_action_details_distinct_count = count_distinct($security_result_action_details)

$target_file_full_path_distinct_list = array_distinct($target_file_full_path)

$target_file_full_path_distinct_count = count_distinct($target_file_full_path)

$user_email_distinct_list = array_distinct($user_email)

$user_email_distinct_count = count_distinct($user_email)


#threat >= 2



rule bce16_user_password_breach {

// This rule matches single events. Rules can also match multiple events within

// some time window. For details about how to write a multi-event rule, see


// Event Types Information:


// Allows for storage of arbitrary key-value pairs of rule details - who

// wrote it, what it detects on, version control, etc.

// The "author" and "severity" fields are special, as they are used as

// columns on the rules dashboard. If you'd like to be able to sort based on

// these fields on the dashboard, make sure to add them here.

// Severity value, by convention, should be "Low", "Medium" or "High"

author = "Google Cloud Security"

description = "User's password was breached in third party site or app. Password Manager must be enabled."

severity = "High"


//Threat Event

$threat.metadata.product_name = "Chrome Management"

$threat.metadata.product_event_type = "passwordBreachEvent"

$threat.principal.user.email_addresses = $user_email

$threat.security_result.summary = $security_result_summary

$threat.security_result.action_details = $security_result_action_details

$ = $target_file_sha256

$ = $target_file_size

$ = $target_file_full_path

$ = $target_url


$security_result_summary_distinct_list = array_distinct($security_result_summary)

$security_result_summary_distinct_count = count_distinct($security_result_summary)

$security_result_action_details_distinct_list = array_distinct($security_result_action_details)

$security_result_action_details_distinct_count = count_distinct($security_result_action_details)





rule bce17_user_password_reuse {

// This rule matches single events. Rules can also match multiple events within

// some time window. For details about how to write a multi-event rule, see


// Evemt Types Information:


// Allows for storage of arbitrary key-value pairs of rule details - who

// wrote it, what it detects on, version control, etc.

// The "author" and "severity" fields are special, as they are used as

// columns on the rules dashboard. If you'd like to be able to sort based on

// these fields on the dashboard, make sure to add them here.

// Severity value, by convention, should be "Low", "Medium" or "High"

author = "Google Cloud Security"

description = "User's password was reused in third party site that’s outside of the list of allowed enterprise login URLs."

severity = "High"


//Threat Event

$threat.metadata.product_name = "Chrome Management"

$threat.metadata.product_event_type = "passwordReuseEvent"

$threat.principal.user.email_addresses = $user_email

$threat.security_result.summary = $security_result_summary

$threat.security_result.action_details = $security_result_action_details

$ = $target_file_sha256

$ = $target_file_size

$ = $target_file_full_path

$ = $target_url


$security_result_summary_distinct_list = array_distinct($security_result_summary)

$security_result_summary_distinct_count = count_distinct($security_result_summary)

$security_result_action_details_distinct_list = array_distinct($security_result_action_details)

$security_result_action_details_distinct_count = count_distinct($security_result_action_details)





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